Wednesday, April 18, 2007

What's New

Oh yeah its been a while since the last post. So what's new? Well, besides having a kid and getting married ? Not much.

But we are, having a baby. And we are, getting married. So it hasn't left much time for cooking. Or so it seems. A full year of wedding planning gets crammed into two months, and suddenly nothing gets on the blog.

Was it planned. Yes, er but no. Ok now that you don't have to think about that question anymore, how about are we happy. Yes.

Anyway, cheerio, carry on, and don't look for any posts about making baby food, at least until the kid starts eating solids.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you two cutie pies (even though your sweetness makes me want to VOMIT). But I love ya'll AND I am so excited to have my first neice or nephew!! Good luck, but I do feel neglected since people can't EVER answer the phone. No, just kidding, I know you two kiddies are busier than a MUG!!